Cbus Arts Hub Creates a Collaborative Gateway for Experiencing the Arts

Partners: Greater Columbus Arts Council, Ohio Arts Council, Columbus Metropolitan Libraries, Columbus Makes Art

The Challenge:

Create visibility of local artists’ work who were affected by the Coronavirus pandemic to residents wanting to support the arts.

The Outcome:

Cbus Arts Hub is a one-stop-shop website to find a comprehensive list of in-person and virtual experiences for art lovers and opportunities and resources for artists.


With the restlessness from the stay at home order, residents were hungry for art programs and activities and artists were struggling to find ways to continue their craft. By connecting with Ohio arts organizations, we were able to convene resources to both residents and artists.

Cbus Arts Hub is a collaborative site for artists and community members alike. Consider this a one-stop-shop for Netflix alternatives – a place for community members to engage with arts experiences of our new normal. From buying a Meeting Masterpiece by a local artist, to sending a Curbside Concert to a loved one. The site serves as a gateway for artists to register their virtual events, classes and workshops through GCAC’s Ohio Events Finder. 

Cbus Arts Hub includes a live stream calendar, recording listings, and a donation link for virtual arts experiences. Cbus Arts Hub expanded into 6 different Can’t Stop Columbus projects within a month of its inception including Gravity Uplifts, Curbside Concerts, ArtWalks, Meeting Masterpieces, Arts Tip Jar, and Color Cbus.


If artists want to submit an event, they can complete this form. If an artist would like to create a profile page in the ColumbusMakesArt Artist Directory, free to any artist in dance, literature, music, theatre and visual arts, they may also register at OhioEventFinder.com.

Can’t Stop Cbus was recognized by Greater Columbus Arts Council for the 2020 Community Arts Innovation Awards, now known as the Dale Heydlauff Arts Innovation award.